Water Wise Fest
Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District No. 142 (FBCMUD 142) would like to thank those residents that attended the November 5th, 2022 Water Wise Fest held at Central Green in La Centerra.
NFBWA Programs
The following services and programs are provided by North Fort Bend Water Authority.
Get Paid to Upgrade
Are your appliances, landscape, or sprinkler system out-of-date and wasting water?
If so, it’s time for an upgrade. You may be eligible for a rebate on a portion of your expenses towards an approved repair or replacement of your irrigation system or household appliances.
Let’s get started on those upgrades.
To learn more and sign up, visit: nfbwa.com/resident-rebate
Free Sprinkler System Evaluation
Sign up today for our W.I.S.E. Guys Program
After the evaluation is complete, you’ll receive an online report with recommended repairs or adjustments.
You are NOT obligated to make any of the recommended changes, but you might save some water (and money) if you do.
To learn more and sign up, visit: nfbwa.com/wise-guys